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Why The Arts?

Why did King David dance with reckless abandon before the Ark of the Covenant and lead the entire nation of Israel into worship?
2 Sam 6:14 -16.
Why are we commanded to clap and shout to God in triumph?
Psalm 47:1
Why does the Lord command us to do battle with tambourines and harps?
Isa 30:32
Why does the enemy flee at the sword of the Lord and their generals flee when they see battle flags?
Isa 31:8-9 NLT
Why is the bride of Christ referred to as a beautiful, awesome, & majestic army with banners?
S.S. 6:4
Why did God command Joshua, the priests, and the army to march around Jericho and blow trumpets?
Jos 6:1-6
Why did God tell King David to wait until he heard the sound of marching in the top of the trees before he attacked?
2 Sam 5:24
Why did Zechariah gesture with signs when he came out of the temple instead of writing down what he saw?
John 1:21
Why did the prophet Ezekiel build a model of Jerusalem with siege ramps and enemy camps around it to act out and demonstrate Gods pending judgment?
Ezek 4:1-3
Why does God say, "I have also spoken to you through parables acted out by the prophets?"
Hosea 12:10 AMP

In addition to worship, the Creative Arts are a mighty weapon in the arsenal of God. Sacred arts are a special ministry that God
is using to help usher in the end time harvest of souls and in order to be effective in our outreach efforts we must use wisdom and
creativity in our evangelistic efforts. Prov 11:30, 1 Cor 9:22

Why God chooses to include the instruments of dancing, singing, shouting, flags, clapping, tambourines, harps, banners, drama, mime,
and marching in His mighty arsenal of weapons and incorporate these tools as an integral part of the total worship experience is
because God is sovereign and creative.

Our assignment is to be obedient to His commands, surrender to His will and purpose for our lives by living holy lives, and allow our
bodies, minds, spirits, and souls to be used and instruments for His glory!

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For more information email Elizabeth Brown